Cloud-Migration ist kein Zuckerschlecken – PC-Industrie steht auf dem Spiel

Why cloud migration could be devastating for the PC industry

The cloud offers the PC industry scalability, cost efficiency and functionality. Getting the best out of them is no picnic, however. The services must be implemented and the infrastructure data must be migrated. There are several cloud migration risks to be aware of.

Some migration difficulties are avoidable, others are not. A business needs to be reasonable with planning to mitigate the sheer complexity of the cloud. Researchers state that one in three cloud migrations tends to fail and only 25% of organizations are able to meet their migration deadlines.

Around 90% of COIs experience disruptions in cloud-based data migration projects. This could lead to massive overspending due to data loss, buggy applications and weak security. The biggest industry that has faced the heat due to the attempted cloud migration is the casino industry, even the top platforms listed on sites like .

With the massive amount of sensitive player data, payment records, integrated banking systems and legality policies across all regions, iGaming Cloud is one of the toughest scenarios.

Adoption of wrong approaches to migration

Several companies think the charm of cloud solutions could be beneficial for cloud migration. From lower hardware costs and subscription models to lower maintenance costs, cloud migration sounds happy.

However, these do not thoroughly examine whether such approaches are compatible with the abilities and situations. Cloud migrations must not be curtailed to save time, as existing bugs in an organization’s IT systems could be propagated to the new environment, disrupting the implementation process.

A company to scale quickly

Regardless of which vendors are working hard to provide a seamless cloud migration process, operating it is a massive undertaking that requires a great deal of time, effort, and training. With that in mind, trying to make a quick transition is too risky.

Successful cloud migrations can take years, depending on the size of an organization and its architecture. Not all data can be moved at once and not all infrastructure processes are compatible with the cloud. Wrong code writing will inevitably cause chaos in the new environment, which would involve even untrained personnel in serious complexities.

This forces companies to react immediately to failures without disrupting normal business activities or causing major monetary losses. Rapid transition forces companies to drop dead for a while to find a solution to the problem.

Lack of trained professionals

A lack of skills in an area as complicated as the cloud can be devastating. Problems are bound to arise during the migration process. The ability to react quickly to the problem and address it efficiently determines how big the problem was.

When a cloud migration fails, several variables need to be evaluated to understand what went wrong and how to fix it. For large organizations, the amount of data that needs to be stored, consumed, and monitored is astronomical. Having cloud experts in a company is therefore an absolute necessity to have a secure hybrid cloud . Data often has to be processed in real time.

This must be done across a suite of applications across multiple clouds, spanning multiple architectures that transfer data to and from multiple locations around the world. In order to be able to fulfill such tasks, experienced personnel is absolutely necessary.


Currently, cloud offerings are service-based and inherently mature, which offers a measure of success. However, cloud migration is a tedious task that requires skilled personnel, financial funding, and the ability to cope with eventual losses.

There are DBaas or Managed Databases as a Service that make a company’s database available along with advanced scalability. Cloud migrations have evolved over time from a business perspective as they don’t need to invest in a specialist to build an application in the cloud like they used to. Cloud migration needs to be done carefully to compete as a market leader.

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